My Story

I left Corporate America in 2013 to stay at home with my then 9 month old daughter. My husband was active duty at the time and I was parenting alone a lot - and struggling!

I was tired and anxious, living on more creamer than coffee, Cherry Coke and Taco Bell, praying for bedtime so I could go to sleep only to not be able to.

My skin was a mess and my digestion was pleading for help.

I started going to the gym and focusing on drinking more water, but the truth was water was bloating me and I had no interest in anyone seeing the muffin top hanging over my leggings. I was stuck (on the coach) until a friend told me about the pink drink.

I knew NOTHING about gut health, but two weeks into the Triplex and I was reading and learning all I could! I needed to know how and why I was feeling so much better.

I started sleeping peacefully through the night, feeling clarity and drive throughout the day and finally going to the bathroom regularly. My skin started to clear and that muffin top slowly left the building. I was loving motherhood.

Fast forward to 2016 and I became a Certified Holistic Health Coach. My focus became TOTAL WELLNESS. I didn't do this just for my family, but for anyone ready to hit the reset button on their health and wellness.

Our gut health is everything and with the right support and supplementation, you can thrive again!

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